Brie De Melun AOP 1.4 kg.
- Description
PRE-ORDER ITEM: Cut-off time on Wednesday (5 PM) to ensure delivery on the next Friday.
Product details:
A word from the refiner : “Cousin of Brie de Meaux, with a fuller-bodied character”
Soft cheese family with bloomy rind
Country of origin: France
Milk family: Cow
Milk type: Raw Milk
Appearance: Crust covered with white felt dotted with red or brown streaks. Paste often creamy yellow with sometimes a chalky white heart.
Texture: Crust present, layer of melting cream and chalky heart
Taste: Quite salty, but with herbal, milky and animal aromas
Odor: Notes of mushrooms, ammonia-like tendency depending on the ripening
Additional description:
Brie de Melun, the historical cousin of Brie de Meaux, is still produced today exclusively in Seine-et-Marne, south-east of Paris. It has been on the stalls of the capital for several centuries, a delicacy for lovers of full-bodied sensations, as Melun concentrates strong flavours.
Wine Pairing: Woody Red Wine Pairing (Bordeaux – Burgundy)